Yasmin Ali
is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Brooklyn, NY. She is interested in using design as a tool to understand the complex systems we live within and as a way to create meaningful interactions. Her design practice focuses on social impact and community building. She is currently working at the Center for Urban Pedagogy, a non-profit on a mission to make public policy accessible. ︎︎︎yasminalidesign@gmail.com
︎︎︎Resume by request
Neighbor to Neighbor
Neighbor to Neighbor is a collaborative project with Quicken Loans Community Fund and 7 other of my design peers. We were faced with the complex and nuanced issue of housing in the Detroit area and were looking for a way to increase the number of property tax exemption applicants.
Over 15 weeks we conducted extensive research, ethnography, and design to produce a full branding system for Neighbor to Neighbor, a comprehensive PTE application kit, and redesigned the city of Detroit’s PTE application form.

In collaboration with Will Callis, Sarah Cremering, Tracee Hartley, Erica Heathcote, Josh Krauth-Harding, Matt Neilson, and Jigyasa Tuli.